The Guild of Guardians event, titled “Kriez’s Curse,” brings exciting opportunities for players to expand their roster with two new Guardians, Hana and Dribb. Running from November 20th, 5 PM AEDT, to November 27th, 3 PM AEDT, this limited-time event offers exclusive items like Prayers and Calling Crystals to summon these powerful characters.
What to Know About the Guild of Guardians Event
Event Duration and Rewards
The event runs for a limited period, making it essential for players to act quickly to summon Hana and Dribb. Here’s what to expect:
- Start Date: November 20th, 5 PM AEDT
- End Date: November 27th, 3 PM AEDT
- Calling Crystals Availability: Until December 4th
Players can use Prayers and Calling Crystals to summon these new Guardians during the event.
Who Are Hana and Dribb in the Guild of Guardians Event?
This event introduces two unique characters:
Hana: The Legendary Mage
Hana is a Legendary Mage with Intelligence aptitude. Her powerful abilities provide strategic advantages through high-damage spells and crowd control.
Dribb: The Goblin Champion
Dribb, a Goblin Champion, excels in melee combat and battlefield disruption. His durability makes him a key asset for aggressive strategies.
How to Participate in the Guild of Guardians Event
Using Prayers in the Guild of Guardians Event
Prayers are available in limited quantities from Eris’ Store during the event. They can be purchased using Immutable Passport funds and are essential for summoning Hana or Dribb.
Calling Crystals: Another Way to Summon
Calling Crystals are obtainable from the in-game store between November 20th and December 4th. These provide an additional opportunity to acquire the event-exclusive Guardians.
How the Guild of Guardians Event Enhances Gameplay
Strategic Gameplay with New Guardians
The event introduces fresh gameplay strategies through the abilities of Hana and Dribb. Players can experiment with new tactics to strengthen their teams.
- Hana: Ideal for players favoring magic-heavy playstyles.
- Dribb: Perfect for those who thrive in melee combat and disruption.
Exclusive Event Rewards
This event ensures players are rewarded for their engagement with valuable items and powerful characters, enhancing the overall experience.
The Kriez’s Curse event in Guild of Guardians offers players an exciting opportunity to unlock two powerful new Guardians, Hana and Dribb. With limited-time items like Prayers and Calling Crystals, players can expand their roster and enhance their gameplay. Don’t miss out on this special event—summon your Guardians and take your game to the next level!
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